My 2020 edits and purchases in review

If you have been around you might recall that at the end of every year for at least the last 7 years I have been doing a balance on what I have bought during the year vs what has left the closet.

Last year there were so many things going on I never finished it. However this year goes like this:

My top 3 purchases were dresses, 17 of them ! Followed by 13 tops/blouses and 12 trousers, which by the way added up to 617.14 USD total spent in 2020. Note that some items that went in the closet were gifts.

When it comes to edits, well, my most edited item were tops/blouses, actually 14 of them, followed by 10 dresses and 10 necklaces. 

I got 100 new items in my closet and 87 were edited.  


Mica said...

You have such a good balance of what went into your wardrobe against what came out! I have been buying more than I have been letting go from my wardrobe - I need to be a lot stricter with what I keep. I think "I can still get to 30 wears with this" and keep it around even if I don't wear it much, which I need to re-evaluate! Otherwise it's only pieces that have worn out that have left my wardrobe, oops!

Away From Blue

Anonymous said...

Good balance! Lise

Sheila said...

That's excellent! I don't count my ins/outs, but I do have more dresses than anything else. I did a big cull in March 2020, but didn't cut much in September. However, I always need more room, so stuff has to go!