The Rowan

Black trousers Zara - Flower print top H&M, another option

Purple and fuchsia sandals DVF, here in another color - Black satchel Rebecca Minkoff

I love learning about the history of places, people and things, garments included. 
Whenever I buy something I like to know more about it, even if its just a pair of shoes. 
For example today I am wearing a pair of 2014 Diane Von Furstenberg "Rowen" sandals ( BTW I never wear sandals to work). I find interesting to know when they were produced, in what country, what colors, original suggested retail price and such. 
Wore them because I was not sure I wanted to keep them as the heels are high when compared to what I usually wear. One wear and I knew that if I kept them they would not get a fair amount of wear, so off to the sale they go. 
How about you, do you research the items you wear ? 


backinstyle said...

Love this print blouse, and it goes so well with those gorgeous shoes! I know what you mean, though, beautiful shoes are not worth the discomfort of aching feet. I have purged almost all of my heels over 3" out of my closet for this reason!

Sheila said...

You know I do! I research the heck out of the things I find. I love knowing their history.

Those are amazing shoes, but my feet hurt just looking at them. You should be able to make a great profit on them!

Anonymous said...

I love those shoes but I could definitely not wear a heel like that! And it's definitely fun to research the different pieces I find - although I seem to rarely have time to do it.

Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

Dressed With Soul said...

Your top is so beautiful, dear Lorena, and I love also your pink shoes!
xx Rena

Lydia said...

If I find a really unique secondhand item then yes, I am often curious about where it came from and when. The sandals are so pretty, too bad they wont work out!
Chic on the Cheap

Natalie S said...

Esta espectaculares! Las fotos que había visto no le hacen justicia