Starting a conversation

Have you ever been in one of those rather
uncomfortable situations where there is
silence in a table and you feel obligated
to start a conversation ?

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I've had my fair share of those.

My go-to topics are usually weather
and traffic then transitioning into
something else.

How about you ?

How do you start a conversation ?


A Very Sweet Blog said...

Whatever is going on in the news. HaHaHa

Witchcrafted Life said...

Canadians talk about weather the way many countries do their national sports teams, so that's always a good "in" on this end. Upcoming holidays, a cute story about one of my pets, or complimenting someone on something they're wearing are all others I'll turn to often.

♥ Jessica

Anonymous said...

Yup! Weather and traffic all the time :)

LyddieGal said...

I hate those situations, and I always pray it's not left to me to be preforming conversation CPR - because I'm probably just as ill-equipped at it as performing actual CPR.