According to...

According to Glamour, the average woman will buy
469 shoes in her lifetime.

Blue Zara Trafaluc jumpsuit -  Grey bag - Green heels Lela Rose for Payless 
On my side, I think that I am probably close to this number,
something I am not proud of.

What are your thoughts on this ?


drollgirl said...

ugh. guilty!!!!

thankfully i have not counted how many i have bought -- or given away -- over the years. i am sure the number is staggering!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

That is very interesting! HaHa

Shybiker said...

Uh-ooh... in just three years, I've used up a big portion of my lifetime quota!

LyddieGal said...

I am quite certain I will buy more shoes than that. Also, does it count if you buy them online and return them?

If say, you spend 67 years of your life shoe shopping (because clearly we are only counting shoes you buy for yourself, and not LA lights sneakers when you are 10), that would mean you only buy 7 pairs a year.

Seven pairs a year? Please, that is nothing.
Chic on the Cheap