
I am back in school.
I am only taking one class for now as I need
to see how I can juggle it all with the 
rest of the things I do.

Vintage blouse Persaman New York - Sculpture trousers - 
Nine West gold flats - Urban Expressions bag 

Last week in class we started working in groups.
We don't know each other so picking a group is a wild card.

The funny (or not so funny) thing with groups is that you will always
end up with: 
someone who is impatient, 
someone who is always comparing what they do to what you do
the one who pays absolutely no attention, 
the clueless one who you just have to ask yourself "why on earth is she here ?", 
one that is willing to "help" but not think
and the one who actually gets work done and pushes everyone else.

Vintage pendant - Forever 21 colorful belt 


Guess which one I am from that group ?


Crazy for fashion said...

Me encantan la camisa y los pantalones! te sigo :) Por cierto, estoy haciendo un sorteo, pásate a ver si te gusta! Besos <3<3


Preciosa combianción de colores y estampados, de 10!!!


Judy C said...

What a wonderful outfit!

Monse Fuentes said...

great shirt!

El blog de Monse
El blog de Monse
El blog de Monse

Kathya Stryzak said...

Hola..el pantalon azul es lo mas..besossss

Villarrazo Madrid said...

Que bonita tu camisa me ha encantado.
Pásate por nuestro blog estamos de super sorteo.
Un bs

Carla Sebastián said...

Me encantan las blusas vintage! y el colorido de tu look me parece todo un acierto!
Te sigo desde ya!! si te apetece pásate por mi blog:, que me gustaría que nos siguiésemos y contar con tu opinión.

Franca said...

beautiful outfit, lovely colours.

I am the kind of person that wants to do stuff and gets frustrated with the people who just want to talk. I'm a woman of action!

Anonymous said...

I'm a teacher and I recognize ALL the group dynamics you describe. I'll bet you are the one who gets things I right?

drollgirl said...

woo HOO! back in school! how exciting!

i find there is at least one SUPER ANNOYING PERSON in every classroom (and at every job). usually it is the one that has to COMMENT ON EVERYTHING and thinks they are THE SMARTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD and loves having a way to TORTURE EVERY OTHER STUDENT with their STUPID IDEAS AND STUPID COMMENTS.

p.s. love the snazzy blue pants.

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

You are so right about working in groups. They really are all the same.

I love this outfit. It looks so perfect on you. The colors are great.
