The Desigual Skirt


Reckless diary by Anya Dryagina said...

Stylish outfit! Great skirt!
Have a good day!

Stella Asteria said...

What a wonderful skirt Lorena! I would love to wear it! Most of my clothes are dresses and skirts, dramatically more than my jeans and staple pieces! ;)
Thanks for sharing and have a great week!

Oh to Be a Muse said...

Yea, I don't wear many skirts either, so I'm always shocked when I find one that I actually want to own. You look pretty fab in this bold print!

Closet Fashionista said...

Haha yea I went through a no skirts phase myself. Actually a no skirts OR dresses. I would wear them every day in elementary school and then in middle school slowly moved away and in high school/college I would only do it for holidays, haha.
That skirt is so much fun, I love the vivid colors

backinstyle said...

Love the way you styled this gorgeous and unusual skirt! I have a lot of skirts in my closet, too. I love the versatility and endless creative possibilities!

Jodie's Touch of Style said...

I think wearing skirts are a fabulous option for women!! It gives us so much variety and they are easier to fit than pants & jeans!
My step mom just bought a Desigual skirt---I always have loved the designs from Desigual!!
And your's is fabulous!!

Unknown said...

I love this look. That skirt is just beautiful!!
Kisses, Raysa

Mica said...

I was against skirts for quite a few years, haha! Now I still love and have mostly jeans but I do like wearing skirts too. Most of mine are pencil skirts for work or maxi skirts :)

The skirt you're wearing here is really pretty, I like the grey tee with it too.

Hope you're having a wonderful start to the week :)

Away From The Blue Blog

Sheila said...

That's a lovely skirt - I wish I could see the back of it (I know Desigual does designs on the back too!). You know I have tons of skirts - probably about 50-60.

LyddieGal said...

I own a TON of skirts, but truthfully prefer dresses and pants for the simple reason that skirts tend to spin around when I walk and getting a shirt tucked in and looking good is often impossible. It might look okay when I'm standing up perfectly straight in front of the mirror, but as soon as I move, forget about it. However I have been liking the high waist + crop top trend, and I'm thinking about trying a body suit as well, since you know, I have a ton of skirts.

A Very Sweet Blog said...

It's a gorgeous skirt! Like a piece of art. I was the same way! I love skirts and dresses now.