Attached to clothing

I am that person that refuses to part with
something because someone in particular
gave it to me.

Dress Sandra Darren - Green flats Vitoria Ferreira - Cardigan H&M - Purple bag Coach
But lately I have been noticing that 
these are just things taking up space.

Space in the closet and sometimes
space in my thoughts.

With this in mind I have plans
for more closet edits.


Mica said...

That dress is so pretty, I like the print! :)

I find I hold onto all kinds of things due to the sentimental value! I still have my old high school uniform for example - that will never get worn again! I am trying to downsize more but I'm still shopping, so I'm always running out of wardrobe space, I need to edit more!

Away From The Blue

Sheila said...

Agreed, such a pretty dress. But yes! Edit! You have pictures of them if you miss them - you don't need to keep things that you don't wear. Let them go to a good home!

LyddieGal said...

Yes, I can relate to that, but lately i've been telling myself if I have a really good photo of myself wearing it, I don't really need it in my closet anymore.

Closet Fashionista said...

Yeeeeep, I get attached to certain pieces too and it's so hard to get rid of them! But I'm slowly getting better at it :)

Natalie said...

This is such a fun dress! (:

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