
Visited a place that is close to my heart.

Jeans Saltworks - Tank top - Cardigan Calvin Klein -
Sneakers H&M - Scarf H&M
I use to spend summers here while growing up.

Now, I don't visit as often as I'd like to.

But, its changed so much that I am not sure if I want to keep coming 
back and see it like this, or just stay away and preserve in my memory
the way it use to be - 


Londyn said...

Wow - looks lovely and so earthy :) Where is it?

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Some changes can be so good and others not so. You'll decide what to do.

ana said...

Me pasa igual con el rancho de mi papa prefiero no ir y ver todo lo que ha cambiado desde que soy niña prefiero los recuerdos en mi memoria como yo los vivi