WTF: Announcement to All Car Robbers

This should give you a hint on how safe it is to park your car here...

Walking in Madrid a few nights ago, I came across this sign that reads in Spanish: " NO HAY NADA EN EL COCHE, Gracias ", 
which literally means " THERE IS NOTHING IN THE CAR, Thank you"
So you know, car thieves keep on walking, there is no reason to break into this car as as the owner said, there is nothing for you to take...

To what point have we gotten to ?


Bombshellicious said...

Its a sad world in which we live, I have had my car broken into twice maybe thats the answer just write a note !

LaToya said...

How funny is that! I've never had my car broken into . . .yet. Gotta keep my fingers crossed that it stays that way.

Sheila said...

My husband and I park our car in an unsecured lot (behind our condo, under an overhang). We have a convertible with a soft top - it's been slashed once. The thieves took the parking change and rifled through the glove box. Since then, we keep nothing in the car, and we don't bother to lock it ever.

So, it's Canada too!

La Loca said...

My husband's car was broken into in an east-coast theatre district 10 years ago. He ripped out what remained of his stereo, clenched his fists in the air, and shouted "I hate (name of City here)!!" In front of all of my co-workers. Too bad he didn't have that sign.

E said...

Oh we do this in DC, except we still get our cars broken into. So sad :-(

Anonymous said...

LOL! I wonder if that works? Did it make you want to look inside the car to see if there really was anything in there--- I totally want to know what's in there and I'm not a car thief.