For Christmas

Black and gold dress Lucy Paris - Black flats Parfois

Black and brown vintage heart bag Moschino, affordable version here


This Christmas outfit represents a bit of what my year has been when it comes to shopping and getting dressed. Dress is from my cousin's closet edit, flats are from a sale and the Moschino hand bag is a vintage find from a consignment shop. It also represents my closet edits as I am not wearing this dress again as it was too short ;)


Mica said...

That dress is so cute on you and perfect for Christmas! It's a shame you find it to short, but I'm the same, I have a dress in my wardrobe I got pre-babies and I've been meaning to wear it for years since and I finally added it to the donate bag today because it's just too short for me to wear now!

Hope that your week is going well! I've posted a new outfit linkup on my blog if you want to check it out :)

Away From The Blue Blog

Sheila said...

It's a really cute dress, but I know the options to make it work for you (leggings, tights) don't work in your climate. I remembered that I have a blue silk dress just hanging in the closet, waiting to be worn. Must wear it.