
March's Closet Edits

Some items are a little hard to let go of....
I "rediscovered" this sweater in my closet.
I fell in love with it all over again, but then I realized
that there was a snag in it. 
(Don't you hate it when that happens ?)
I tried to sew it together
and it did not come out well and the thought of taking it to the
seamstress to get it done did not make sense as it was an item
that was not that expensive to begin with... so bye, bye MIX sweater.

I did some walking around in March, as my car was in the shop for over a week.
I wore flip flops here and there only to realize that one of the silver squares that 
decorated these Gotas flops fell off. So they had to go too.

Then there was this thick cotton and spandex white
t-shirt from Down East. I loved it, it kept everything in place.
However, I took a closer look and realized that it was 
not so white, plus it had a tiny stain. 
So, off it went !

How are your closet edits coming along ?


  1. I did a huge edit a few weeks ago - I'm in "stocking up" mode!

  2. I have started editing my winter boots now the weather is getting better :) if I haven't worn them this winter... off to the charity shop they go :)

    Love, Vanilla

  3. Since I wear a lot of black, an edit is hard. However, now that I'm trying to work more with color, the black things will go if they have anything wrong with them or if they don't fit well, etc. I need about 90% fewer tops than I have. So maybe ebay.

  4. I replace white stuff all the time, it's good to keep an eye out for stains etc.


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