
Listography Wednesday : Catching Up

I have had a rough couple of weeks 
however I think it's time to catch up on
Listography Wednesday !

The day we learn a bit more about each other
by creating lists.

For last Wednesday the list was all about:

Fictional places you wish existed.

Well, my list includes:
- Atlantis
- CandyLand
- Willy Wonka's Factory
- Also stepping into the "sets" of certain cartoons.

Today's list is about

Scams you’ve encountered.

I look for scams. Seriously I can almost detect them.
My last one was in a restaurant, well that scam I called
"false advertising".
I requested a brownie and ice cream as listed on the menu.
They brought me something HALF the size of what I 
saw in the picture in the menu.
After arguing with the waiter, I asked him to take it back.
I was paying, I was buying the one on the menu.

OH,  I had an issue with a bank once.
I don't even want to go there, those sons of b...

1 comment

  1. A big scam I encountered recently was virus software for my Husband's PC. It was $75.00 to install and with disc. Then his computer got a rogue virus trying to get his Credit Card info. When I called the Virus Protection Co. They told me that to get the virus off the computer I had to pay $350.00. WTF! I asked them why the hell did I pay the $75.00 if the virus protection doesn't protect you from viruses. For all I know they put the virus on his computer. On top of it all, I was on the phone with Customer Service off and on for 9 hours. The absolute worst experience ever! Sorry for the rant Lol.


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