Boot cut jeans Banana Republic, similar - Blue sweater with heart Forever 21, the tee shirt version in red, white, grey |
Black and white doctor bag Baurisar |
As much as I love this sweater I always wish it was better quality. This one is made by Forever 21 and has been around for a few years, I don't wear it much because I think the fabric will get thinner and more see through or that it will pile. How terrible is that, that you don't want to wear something you love because it will not stand the test of time? Is there a garment like that in your closet ?
I've had pieces like that before (also from Forever 21, coincidentally) and it's definitely a shame. Also, I might love this sweater as much as you do!
Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines
What a fantastic outfit! You look so lovely and the accessories are perfect. I've ordered a few "trendy" pieces from Shein, but they fall apart so quick!
Those garments don't last long with me. This sweater looks slumpy in the shoulders - it's not doing you any favours, despite the great graphic. Toss it! You deserve better!
Thanks a lot :D
super cool look :D loved it!
Instagram ∫ Facebook Official Page ∫ Miguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D
Oh that is a cute knit, it's a shame the quality isn't there! I tend to avoid wearing things as I'm worried I might wear them out, but it's usually the expensive higher quality clothes I do that with, the ones most likely to stand up to lots of wear, haha!
Oh and your bag is adorable too! :)
Hope you are having a nice start to your week :)
Away From The Blue Blog
I completely understand Lorena, as most of my clothes are from Forever21! But it does look super cute on you :)
That sweater is so cute!! Shame about F21s quality though, I hate that! I have jeans that I have worn to death that I try not to wear too much now so they last longer. I'm searching for the same ones on eBay still, there's one pair on there right now but I'm not sure how new they are, haha
In my case its about clothing that have embroidered pieces. I hate all the care they need so I avoid wearing them.
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