Grey flats..

Striped grey and orange dress Gap - Grey flats Zara - Andy bag Carolina Herrera
Here is to a third day of shoe edits, today's choice is a tough one.
The grey suede shoes from Zara, one of my most worn flats, 54 times since 2014. They were a gift from hubs. Happens during a rainstorm I stepped in a puddle and they stretched, since then whenever I wear them they feel like flip flops and they tend to slip out. Other than that they're in really good shape, I could have probably wore them a lot longer, but I have come to the decision that I need to let go. I'm pretty sure that noisily dragging my feet around does not look good ;) 


claire said...

And another stunning bag :)
I love also this stripped dress, and about shoes, if they're not comfortable is better to get the next pair :D
I'm always in the need of a new pair of flats in basic colours, like gray or black.

LyddieGal said...

Well I hope you replace them with an equally lovely pair of soft grey flats! And that tote is just gorgeous!

Silvia Negretti said...

Very nice grey flats, hun!
And love the combination with that striped dress, you look very cute! :)

L.E.N K said...

How nice! Lovely post!!

Black Dress Inspiration said...

Es un vestido muy bonito y lo has combinado genial

Mica said...

Aww no, shame such a cute and practical pair of shoes have to go! However I agree if they don't fit as well any more it's not worth keeping them - better to only have comfortable shoes. They look great with the striped dress, this was a nice "last outfit" for them :)

Away From The Blue Blog

Laura B said...

Oh no! I hope you are able to find a replacement pair soon! Those are such darling flats! They look lovely with your gorgeous colorblocked striped dress!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

awww! That's ashame, because they really look good. But they would keep expanding. So you're doing the right thing. Love that dress on you Lorena.

Unknown said...

Such a cute look! I think it's amazing you know how many times you wore those shoes, that so impressive!! xx

Sheila said...

If they have stretched due to being wet, you could wet them again and then let them tighten up. If they were worn when wet, they would have stretched out, so if you try this, then let them dry thoroughly before you wear them again. Since you're tossing them anyways, might be worth a shot if you like them so much!

Unknown said...

Such a oretty look, I love how you mixed these different shades of grey!