Yep, yet another acronym.
Blue print button down shirt H&M
Black trousers Red Valentino - Andy bag Carolina Herrera
Light grey long sleeveless vest Valette - Black patent shoes Zara 
Because sometimes you just cannot afford to.


Courtney Erin said...

I really love that stunning vest - it's a striking piece!

Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

Shea Lennon said...

Ha, I like that acronym, because sometimes, you just don't. Love that vest and the pretty printed blouse!

Laura B said...

Oh yes, this week has been full of DGAF days! Love that sleeveless vest on you!

Dressed With Soul said...

I love your look, dear Lorena, but I have to admit I have no idea what DGAF could mean ... now I really have something to think about :)
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

Unknown said...

Bellísima 😍😍💕💕💕💕

Witchcrafted Life said...

Great layering! I'm a big van of vests/waistcoats, too, though find I usually need to stick with shorter styles. You rock this longer length one awesomely!

xoxo ♥ Jessica

A Very Sweet Blog said...

I'm just realizing what it stands for! HAHAHAHA I feel the same way.