All gone

Almost all of this outfit is now gone.

Brown jacket Drn Brn - MNG Mango tshirt - Levis jeans -
Innovativi wedges - Michael Kors sunglasses
The jeans were really tight and I was not feeling
their vintage remake flare anymore.
The tshirt had a tiny hole and I could not button
the jacket, it was quite restraining…

So, after I took these off I decided that it
was time to let go.


Sheila said...

Doesn't that feel good? I like shedding my old clothes - the ones that don't make me feel good. I like the jeans and the shape of the jacket (you look so good in a curvy cut), but if you're not feelin' 'em, let 'em go.

Ramona said...

I've been cleaning my wardrobe all summer. To let go for me is very hard, i'm so sentimental about clothes. You look gorgeous in this pairing.

xoxo Ra

A Very Sweet Blog said...

That jacket looks so good on you!

LyddieGal said...

I do like the shape of the jacket, but when you don't love it, you have to let it go. I need to be more ruthless with my closet edits!
Chic on the Cheap

Elegance and Mommyhood said...

Ohh too bad about that pretty jacket. Glad you kept the pretty shoes too. You are THE BEST about cleaning out your closet. Seriously!

Elegance and Mommyhood said...

Ohh too bad about that pretty jacket. Glad you kept the pretty shoes too. You are THE BEST about cleaning out your closet. Seriously!

Elegance and Mommyhood said...

Ohh too bad about that pretty jacket. Glad you kept the pretty shoes too. You are THE BEST about cleaning out your closet. Seriously!