In Bogota

Yesterday I was in Panama.
Very early today I flew to Bogota, Colombia.

H&M black trousers - H&M Neon shirt - H&M scarf - Black flats Vera Wang Lavender

It was raining like you cannot imagine.

Checked in at the hotel, changed from flats to heels, 
put my hair up and went to work.

I did not get back to the hotel until very late night.

The most important is that I got so much done !


Emilia said...

Ojala algun dia te des una vuelta por tierras Mexicanas.
Me encanto la combinación de la blusa con el color negro.
Bonito fin de semana

Judy C said...

What I find interesting is how good you manage to look in spite of the travel.

drollgirl said...

ooooh, i seeing your outfit through rain/raindrops would make for a very pretty site. i am not explaining it well, but i just know it would.

and, you look fabulous as always!

you are such a big traveler! you have a very interesting life!

Anne said...

You always look fabulous...have a lovely weekend:)

Mica said...

I love the pink scarf with the neon orange shirt! :) Looks great, nice and cheerful for the rainy weather!

Lisa said...

You always look matter where you go. You must have an exciting job considering the extent of your travels!

J. said...

That sounds like an interesting experience, would love to go there! Love your outfit, by the way :)

A Very Sweet Blog said...

that's always a good feeling! Love your top and hair!

LyddieGal said...

oh oh, i love your neon blouse! That is a pretty awesome travel outfit.
Chic on the Cheap

Elegance and Mommyhood said...

I notice not only do you get to see the world, but you also get to travel to some fancy, beautiful hotels - lucky. I am jealous. The neon top, cute bracelets & ring are so cute. I would love to raid your jewelry drawers, one day. =)

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

I love the clover ring. You look so chic when you travel.
