Monday: Working In Buenos Aires

This very pleasant morning I had a training to conduct.  So I grabbed a cab to meet my 70+ group !
Wow, this was a huge group ! The downside is that it it really difficult to maintain the interest when the group is so big, plus of course you kind of miss out on the person to person connection. Nevertheless, gotta get the job done !
To get that job done I wore:
- Grey and black Democracy dress
- Black and grey tights
- Black leather pumps from Bata
- Metallic headband

After downloading the pictures I realized that this dress is kinda short....  of course it was kinda late because I downloaded the pictures and did the post AFTER I came back from the training.


The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

You look great - just the right length.

ana said...

I love your tights ;)

Kari said...

I think the dress looks like a great length, particularly over tights. (And the pattern of your tights is awesome!)