
My Blog Sold

My main interest with this blog/hobby is to be inspired and be part of an amazing community that shares the same interests and provides encouragement. During all of these years I can only say good things about it and that it's been a truly rewarding experience. 

However, sometime last year I thought I'd add links in case you were interested in finding something similar or identical to what I was wearing, as most if the time when I like something another blogger is wearing I look it up or click their link button to take me to it. I thought I'd so the same.

As you are aware often these links can lead to earn a minimal commission, while others to none. 

So, I began to link. A few sales were then made and I thought I'd share the first 3 items that have been sold and what I've earned.

1. Men's houndstooth print vintage blazer almost identical to the one on picture above, I earned cero. 

2. Bug earrings, earned 0.03 USD.

3. Grey slip on shoes, earned 0.03 USD.

All I can say is that when you do something without expecting anything in return, is because you truly love it ;) 


  1. For I moment after reading the title I thought you'd sold your blog!

    I do the linking thing too, it really doesn't make much money, but it's nice to see a little commission now and then!

    Hopefully it's just the start of some bigger paydays for you! :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  2. I know you don't get really money with the links as I made the same experience. But I blog because I like it and I'm thankful to be part of this wonderful community - like you! Cool look, suits you!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


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