
Not ready

Green, brown and grey color block dress Forever 21, cool option here - Grey bag Ferragamo -
Grey perforated flats Dr. Scholl's, similar
I have no idea where the last six months went, but in case you have not noticed: it's almost Christmas and year's end. Unlike other years I am so not ready. Are you ? 

Linking up to E&M + Straight A Style


  1. I can't believe it's almost Christmas - I'm planning on getting out all my decorations next week and hopefully getting my shopping done too (my mom can watch Eleanor for the day so I can go out and hit the stores!). I really want to get everything done early this year so I can spend the month enjoying Eleanor's first Christmas with her. She's obviously too young to appreciate most of it but I think she'll be into all the lights!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. SO not ready! I have to decorate the office soon - I just don't want to!

  3. Beautiful dress, and great spot for photos! I went to a Christmas store here one year, so many lovely decorations, just like here.

    I'm struggling with my Christmas shopping - I have a day off tomorrow and once baby boy's had his tests at the hospital I'm dropping him off with his grandmother and I'm going to go try buy a few more things off my list!

    Hope you are having a good week so far :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  4. I am so not ready, too! I'm still behind on Thanksgiving! Anyway, love the unusual cut and style of your dress.

  5. Nice post!

    Anyway, would you like to following each other?


  6. 6 months? I don't know where the last 11 went! This year has gone by so fast and I don't know if I'm ready for the next.


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