
Jackie did not

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A few weeks back I wrote a post about Jacqueline Kennedy's 10 style commandments. The post was meant to highlight how she wore certain items and her go-to accessories. Interestingly enough those were styles you expected her to wear, it was somehow part of who she was. 

Of course, we all know that style is not just what you wear, but also how you carry yourself. In that train of thought there were things Jackie did not do. 

Here is a list of what Jackie never did:

1. Swore: according to her swearing indicated "one did have enough vocabulary".

2. Used her hands to explain herself or gestured, as she would look less composed.

3. Pointed a finger.

4. Spoke broken words, always said  "yes" not "yeah".

5.  Crossed her legs. When sitting, her knees and ankles remained together, her legs were not crossed. If she did cross, it was just her ankles.

6.  Slouched. Her shoulders were rolled back to avoid bad posture.

7.  Left her hands dangling. She always placed them slightly on her lap or the sides.

8.  Looked like she made an effort. But she always did make an effort, she just never let it look like she did.

Which of these do you also do not do ? 

source http://www.instyle.com/celebrity/jackie-kennedy-natalie-portman-etiquette-guide#1654048


  1. I am not very composed then, I do pretty much all of these things. I'm a very bad sloucher and definitely talk a lot with my hands. I generally don't like to swear, but I find it depends on the company I keep - when around people who swear a lot, I will find myself swearing more.
    Chic on the Cheap

  2. I wish I had such pose and grace! I am constantly working on my slouching!

  3. Great post!

    You have a nice blog!

    Would you like to follow each other? (f4f) Please let me know on my blog with a comment! ;oD

    Have a great day!

    xoxo Jacqueline

  4. Jackie always was the classy woman.
    But I never even thought she was this elegant.
    I do pretty much all of these things :D

    take a look at my BLOG and also INSTAGRAM

  5. Ha I wish I was this elegant. I don't swear, so I've got part of it down right? haha! I definitely don't have the elegance she did. I feel sometimes when I do put in an effort it looks like it, if you know what I mean?

    Thanks for sharing :)

    Away From The Blue Blog


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