
Shoes match pins

Black dress JBS LTD similar under 40.00 USD - Jean jacket OUT similar under 25.00 USD - Nina Ricci black hand bag
Black and white gingham shoes custom made, similar under 30.00 USD

While some outfits have a lot of thought put into them, others are just practical, like the one I am wearing today. All I cared about was that the bubble pins matched the black and white gingham shoes. That's it. Sometimes its best to keep it simple, specially if in the picture is taking public transportation. Riding a bus without a/c at 35C can be an unwanted adventure... 

Linking up to E&M


  1. Yes, you are so right! Sometime it is best to keep it simple and your perfect look is the proof!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  2. Love the color combo, and the pins are the cutest ever!!! ;) xo

  3. Beautiful outfit, great combo as well, I love it. Thank you for sharing, you look stunning!!!



  4. Es que me rechifla este look, hoy llevas uno de mis básicos: tejana + vestido negro


  5. I have so much respect for you riding in a bus without aircon on such a hot day! Until they rolled out all the new Busses in Brisbane it was always a guessing game what you would get when it eventually arrived. One day on the way back from work the bus station was being evacuated so busses were near impossible to get, the one I eventually got on (with I think the rest of Brisbane!) had no aircon and it was crammed, SUCH a bad commute that was! Was not happy at the end of it, haha!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  6. I love pins. Lorena, I have to get a denim jacket. I love yours and it looks so good with that dress.


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