
Two Popular Posts

After years of blogging, there are several posts that keep getting the most hits even though I update regularly. 
Below are two of the most visited posts on this blog, maybe you've seen them, maybe not ;) 

#1 is Houndstooth  (click for original post)

#3 is Photoshop (click for original post)

I'd love to hear about which of your posts gets the most visits, please don't forget to leave a link ;) 


  1. I suspect those are popular posts because they are things people want to know about!

  2. That is so interesting Lorena! Usually when I review brand new makeup products, that gets attention. It's usually popular brands! But I don't buy them to get "hits". If I happen to want it, I review it.

  3. You made me go look for my popular posts! The most random post is one of my most popular and I've never figured out why. It's nothing special! I know you can find out through google analytics somehow why it gets so many views but I've never gotten around to checking it out yet.

    Hope you are having a lovely week :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  4. Interesting post my dear, thank you for sharing :-)


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