

Don´t worry this post does not have a link to a video
where you hear me sing.
Actually, I can´t sing.

Mossimo ripped jeans - Arena Milano yellow bag - Purple top Speechless - beige wedges

The SINGER I refer to in the post tittle is a sewing machine.
A Singer sewing machine that use to be my great grandmother´s,
then my grandfather´s and now mine.

Since I am on vacation I have been doing some stuff I had pending.
One of them was find an experienced repairman who could
 take a look at my Singer model 216.

Here, anything old that does not work is considered trash and thrown away,
so finding a repair man for old sewing machines, victrolas and such is difficult. 
However, to my own surprise, I did find someone to look
at my Singer 216: an 80 year old retired Singer specialist called Julian Marquez,
whom I spent half of my day with.
While he is not finished yet with my sewing machine,
I have high hopes.

Maybe after it's working, I can fix my torn jeans :)


  1. It's beautiful, i'm so glad you are getting it fixed!

  2. I hope he does it repaired, what a really good find :) I love those jeans!! Have a Happy and Safe New Year my friend :)

  3. That is a lovely machine - my aunt had one like that when I was a kid.

  4. Amazing machine! My father collects these antique Singers and says there's nothing comparable to their quality today. I hope it's fixable, and I'm guessing because of how well-made it is, that it will be!

  5. What a beautiful machine! Even if unusable, a love piece for your home!

  6. that is a beautiful machine - i hope you can get it working again!

    Chic on the Cheap

  7. I am sure thatwhen it is fixed it will go for another 80 years.
    Love the colour of your top.

  8. That is so cool! Hope the machine works soon!
    This is a nice story Lorena!
    Happy New Year to you

  9. Your machine is just beautiful. How special, to have something that was your great-grandmothers. I hope you get it back in working order.


  10. Wow, that is so cool! Hope you are able to get it in working order.

  11. My grandmother has one of those as well, I think hers still works!


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