
November purchases

In November I went a little overboard.
It's no excuse but mere reality that I went on vacation
and then some...
Here's what my purchases included.

Lace t shirt Forever 21, 5.99 USD

Sparkly brown t shirt for 7.99 USD from Forever 21

More sparkles coming your way...  for 5.99 USD I got a scarf
that I just think will add a special touch to anything I wear.

My new green jeans were just  0.99 cents well  plus tax !

One black pair of shoes from Aerosoles (these are so comfy!) on sale for 39.99 USD

I walked into every.single.H&M.store I saw. which were quite a few.
Here I picked up some things that I just fell in love with.
I picked up even more than what you will see here, I had a buyer's remorse
after noticing that I had 3 garments with exactly the SAME print and
I just went back and returned them. 
Yes, I have buyer's remorse... sometimes, 
not very often.

A star print and a bow on the same garment ? Yes, this pink and black
 starred top from H&M I picked up for 24.95 USD

Image Via H&M
I also picked up the H&M black kimono from the Conscious Collection.
I loved it when it was 14.95 USD but was even happier 
to score it for 5.00 USD at 4:00 am on Black Friday.

What's a kimono without a belt ?
Well, for me it's just a robe. 
So I picked up the belt too... for twice the price 
of the kimono. Kimono belt for 12.95 USD.

Another pair of black trousers, these are from H&M for 34.95 USD.
 You can never have enough black trousers.

A black tuxedo like jacket from the H&M Conscious Collection for 29.95 USD.

Image via H&M

H&M black tuxedo trousers for 34.95 USD

A black and white dress Be Bop brand on sale at Ross for 7.49 USD

A red dress.
This had been on my list for a while.
I got a red Emma & Michelle dress at Ross for 14.99 USD

Also from Ross this blue striped Tommy Hilfiger 
from the Fall 2011 collection for 19.99 USD

A pair of jeans from Salt Works NYC for 13.99 USD.

A black patent envelope like bag from Nine West for 15.99 USD

A purple bag from Kenneth Cole Reaction for 24.99 USD.

Not proud.
Even kind of ashamed.

These add up to three hundred seventeen dollars and forty one cents.

I think it's time for a ban.


  1. ohhhh what's $300 in the scheme of things right? Some people will spend that on a single bag or pair of shoes.

    Love the new purple bag and the sequined top!

  2. I spent $22 at the charity shop i think i am alright!


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