

As you know this is a season of giving.
Giving gifts.
Gifts that you may like - or not.

Brown Rafaella capri trousers - Brown Coach wedges - Energie white top - Purple bag Kenneth Cole Reaction

The question is what do you dou with those gifts you don't like ?
Choose between below options:
1. Do you run out to exchange them ?
2. Do you regift ?
3. Do you use them even if you don't like them that much ?
4. Others.

In my case, I use to be 100% number 3:
Use them even if I did not love them.
This is for all gifts received for Christmas, birthdays or any other ocassion.
I felt it was rude and non appropriate to return or pass on a gift.
I would usually wear it anyways and also would try to wear it
if you were the gifter and you were around as a way of
 reinforcing that I did like it.

Antiqued Gold crackle nail polish by Sally Hansen worn over black nail polish.

And that is the story of how I ended up with ill fitting garments in my closet.
Many of which I am getting the guts to get rid off now.

These days I am more number one and two:
I exchange and regift totally guilt free.

Let me tell you, its totally liberating...

SO, tell me - how about you ?


  1. Lore....lindo craquelado!!! divino!! beossss

  2. I was like you - I would keep it and use it or wear it even if I didn't really like it - I still wear some things that I feel luke warm about - liberating to get rid of, uh? mmmmmmmm I will have to give it a try :)

  3. Lorena, I am one of the lucky ones. I don't have that problem. My Christmas went by without a single present except for the TV my honey and I had to be to replace a bad one. My kids don't have a lot of money so Christmas is quite simple. I think it allows me to get back to the real reason.

  4. I often will keep the gift, never wear/use it hang on to it for years and then finally donate it. it's a waste and a shame.

    I hate it when someone is wearing something you gave them when they know they are going to see you, then you never know if they actually like it or if they are wearing it for your benefit.

    But, this year, I have one thing I'll probably go exchange. The person just wants me to have something I love in the end, right?

  5. i have the same crackle color by Sally Hansen, somehow I find the OPI ones crack a little nicer


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