Repeat offender

One of the very shallow reasons I have
this blog is because I do not like to repeat outfits.
The blog helps me keep track.
As I have mentioned before, I fear that my style
will turn into a "uniform" - looking always the same.

Ann Taylor Loft brown suede trousers - Twenty One top (Forever 21) - Zapatinho de Luxo flats - Michael Kors black bag

But today I am a repeat offender.
Certainly it is not exactly the same.
But I did wear this 2 years ago on July 29th, 2009.

The accessories are different, the shoes and bag on 
the 2009 post are long gone but the outfit is the same.

How about you ?

Are you a repeat offender ?


Kathya Stryzak said...

Hola Lore..este pantalon es precioso

Bella said...

I like remixing, but I don't think there is anything wrong with repeating outfits from time to time. Especially, if you like them!

Patti @ NotDeadYet Style said...

There's not a thing wrong with repeating - esp a super-cute outfit like this! After all, I drink the same great French Vanilla coffe *every* day and I still love it : >

Emma said...

Yes, I am a repeat offender. If an outfit works just Rock it! Those trousers are Fabulous!

Kathya Stryzak said...

Lore..mañana sale los genericos de los de chanel.jajajajajjajajajajajajaj

ya los tenia hace 1 semana listos...

Style Journey said...

There is nothing wrong with being a repeat offender. If something works, it works. The suede trousers are beautiful! They look super comfy :)

Anonymous said...

Hehehe, well it is a very cute outfit and therefore worth repeating, in my opinion! :)

LyddieGal said...

From time to time, I'll repeat. Sometimes you just like an outfit enough to wear it again. and once every two years? not really something to worry about, i think!

Chic on the Cheap

Shybiker said...

Ha! Two years is not a repeat; nobody in the world remembers what you wore two years ago.

I try to make outfits new, but confess to frequently re-using ideas that worked in the past. And don't even ask about boy-clothes; they are so repetitive it's boring.

Magdalena said...

Actually, I am...from time to time but I think it's Ok, esp if you like very much a certain item more than other!!!
I love your blouse!!

Have a great weekend, honey!!! xoxoxo

joshylola said...

Me encanta el bolso, es precioso.Buen fin de semana

Anonymous said...

Guilty- I do repeat outfits from time to time but try not to much. I think this outfit is definitely worth repeating though. Those trousers are fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I'm a total repeater! If it worked once, it'll work again. I try to mix it up a lot more than I used to, but I'm not opposed to wearing something the same way again and again.

Lorena, you have so many unusual pieces and wear them so creatively I don't anyone would say have any type of a uniform!