
So many

I have so, SO many things to do.

It seems like I am behind on everything.
I have pending things at work, personal stuff,
blogs to catch up on and posts to write.

White Gap jeans - red tank top - Striped cardigan Modern Amusement - Nine West gold flats -
Michael Kors black bag - gold tassel necklace self made.

 I have so many stuff in my head I really do not
know where to begin...


  1. That necklace is an absolutely fabulous idea. Mind if I borrow the concept?

  2. loooove your necklace! Is that trim from a fabric store?

  3. Yeah, I know the feeling. I feel like I'm drowning in to-do's myself. I always find it useful to make a list of all my to-dos and prioritize them so that I do the most important things first.

    You look great in this outfit btw! You always look so chic Lorena :)


  4. I know how busy life can get. Hang in there.

    The necklace is pretty. You made it? Wow!

  5. That is a fun statement necklace, looks like a simple DIY!

    Good luck getting through your to-do list!

    Chic on the Cheap

  6. I know that feeling well.

    I love the necklace with the blazer. So creative.



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