
Saturday moment

It is saturday.
Every saturday the dogs (Vanilla &Marshmallow)
 go to the groomer to get a bath.
If going to the groomer equaled going to the salon,
well they go a lot more than I do.

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In fact, now that I think of it, for every time I go to the salon
they go to the groomer's: 4 times.

Putting even more thought into it, they spend (I) four times
more on their hair than me.

What a life !


  1. Ha ha :) they are SO cute! My dog has quite short hair but I would still take him to be beautified :)

    Love, vanilla


  2. Ha! That's funny. I often say that when I get reincarnated and come back, I want to be some happy woman's dog. They get pampered so well!


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