

I have heard it a million times.
I still do: "brush you hair".

Levis Jeans - MNG top - Modern Amusement jacket 
For some reason my hair never stays in place. 
It always looks messy.

Innovativi wedges - burgundy bag

mess·y  (ms)
adj. mess·i·ermess·i·est
1. Disorderly and dirty: a messy bedroom.
2. Exhibiting or demonstrating carelessness: messy reasoning.
3. Unpleasantly difficult to settle or resolve: a messy court case.

By now, I have accepted it: my hair is difficult to
control, so I pull it back in a pony tail to avoid it from looking so messy.
(sometimes that doesn't work!)

However I am still trying to accept Vanilla and Marshmallow's messy hair.

I cannot understand HOW - going to the pet salon all Saturdays
they manage to look like this on a Wednesday morning.

Marshmallow & Vanilla 

Well, maybe they have the same question for me....


  1. Buenas tardes Lore..quiero un blazer asi como el tuyu..estoy comprando hecho loca blazer..jajajaj

    mis amores..que lindos q son! beijosssss

  2. That's funny to compare your hair with their fur. Then again, they have bows in theirs, too!

  3. I Love messy! I also LOVE that blazer! Tres Chic.

  4. You're too funny! And I think your hair always looks beautiful on the blog, just like that striped top - I'm so in love with it!

  5. I must disagree with you - you have beautiful hair!!! Definitely not messy. My hair, on the other hand, has a personality of it's own :)

  6. I just fell in love with Vanilla and Marshmallow, messy hair and all. My hair is hard to control, too :) it's naturally super curly!

  7. Jeje a mí también me pasa con mi pelo!

  8. Love this outfit. The combination of stripes is so cool.


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