
Listography Wednesday: catching up

It was about time !

I am trying to catch up with my pending lists....

Here on listography wednesdays we learn about ourselves
and each other by making lists....

If you want to know more about it - look for the "listography" 
label in the "Labels" section on the left.

 List your favorite tv moms.

I think this is a hard one.
I really can't think of one.
I don't think I ever had a crush on a tv mom.
I did have a crush on my friends' mom's.
They were usually hands on, loved to bake and seemed to be in a good mood most of the time.

List the most memorable co-worker from your past

This is an interesting one. 
Specially because it does not indicate if
the memory is a good or bad one.

Well, I have had quite a few jobs so I am going to pick a few.
So, sit down.

@ Personnel office:
 There was this guy named Patrick. He was ugly but he
was so confident that you thought he was good looking.
Made me learn that confidence is important.
@ 3rd SOSC (military):
There was this guy named David. He was SO SMART.
He always told me he joined the Army because the needed 
money for college. He hated the Army but had no choice.
Made me feel lucky I was getting an education.
@ Advertising Agency:
I had a boss who seemed to have the perfect life.
Her husband was gay and she was cheating on him.
10 years later the situation is the same.
I realized not all is what it seems.
@ Courier Company:
After years here I needed a change and applied to
a position within the company.
They would only give me 100.00 USD more if I was hired, but
if they hired someone from outside the company they would pay double 
my salary.  I was so very hurt, so I applied to another company and left.
Today I realize it's the best thing I did as all that position I applied for has now disappeared. Meaning I would have been left without a job.


Well this is easy and I will be blunt.

- Entering a bathroom after someone has sprayed "Lillly of Fields" over crap.

- Burps, yes burps.

- Dog poop

- Barf


  1. Not fond of rotten potatoes and skunks here. There are so many lovely scents. I'll stick with them.

  2. memorable coworkers... aside from the ones I've kissed (of which there are three) there was a guy named Steve. No one liked him becuase he lied. About everything and anything. His lies were painfully obvious, but he would defend them to the bitter end.

  3. Favorite TV Mom: Hands down Cindy Walsh from Beverly Hills 90210. She had those mid-western values and seemed so approachable.

    Memorable Coworkers: Pizza Delivery Driver at Romeos Pizza...he must of been pretty memorable because I married him! LOL

    Least Favorite Smells: Bad Breath, Dog Farts and B.O. ... Ewwwwwwww!

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  4. I loved your list of memorable co-workers. Funny the way we learn life's little lessons.


  5. You seem so funny! ;D
    thank's for you sweet comment dear.
    Feel free to follow my blog
    Love x

  6. I love lists! A day without a list is a dull, dull day. Favorite TV moms were (remember I'm in my 50's): Mrs. Cleaver, Joan Jetson and Alice (the waitress from Mel's Diner).


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