
I've been busy...

I have been a little busy which is 
why I have been a little absent.
DKNY jeans - beige top - Bass sandals - Urban Expressions bag - Forever 21 necklace

How is your week coming along ?


  1. Love your necklace :) you look so happy! :) hope you have had a great week, I have been enjoying the sunshine :) Oooo and my new wardrobe arrives tomorrow!! I'm excited :)

    Love, Vanilla

  2. Lore..divina...adore los accesorios ..y tu perrito siempre fashion!!

  3. Lorena, welcome back home. You look very relaxed and pretty. And the outfit looks great.

  4. haha, you're totally forgiven! We all get busy with life! Glad you took the time to pop in and say hi!
    Love the color of that necklace!

  5. Welcome Back!! You were totally missed but you know life happens :P Love the necklace too

  6. That bag is so gorgeous!!! And I love faux stormy sea. looking back two years ago, I wish I had just gotten that damn necklace the day I saw it in anthro; the amount of time i've spent obsessing over it since then would have made it worth the $48.

  7. ooo that necklace! so fun. <3 EverRubyGirl.blogspot.com


I am always happy to hear from you !