
The Hotel in Manaus

Hotels are my second home away from home when I travel.
I have stayed in many different ones and usually find myself
wondering their lobbies and restaurants looking at their
decoration, this hotel was no exception.

The lobby was my favorite.
The ceiling was sky high, there was a lot of natural light coming in,
the glass invited nature into the area and the beige and purple colors on 
sofas was perfect.

The artwork was my favorite, it was unlike anything I had seen
before, it was like a huge typewriter exploded on to the wall.
I touched the letters and I think they were clay.
Out of this decoration the only thing that I did not
completely like was the colorful area rug.

The gorgeous fern wall was really refreshing ...

Hotel decorations usually inspire me to do small 
changes in my home.

Are you inspired ?

BTW hotel in Manaus, Brazil was the Caesar Business.


  1. It's certainly beautiful. I love ferns.

  2. I'm very inspired. What a beautiful and colorful place!

  3. what a beautiful hotel. I don't usually like hotels, which is probably because i/my work can't afford the really nice ones!

  4. It does look very beautiful :) Lobby's are so important when it comes to making a good impression straight away :)

    Love, Vanilla

  5. Hola Lore!! manaus e lindo nao??


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