
Tuesday Thoughts

You know that feeling when you are just totally bummed out ?
 · INC Dress · Zara Vest · 
Seems like nothing is going well but then suddenly something
really meaningless happens and you have a rush of happiness ?
Like walking into the bathroom and it's empty !
Or finding a parking spot in the crowded lot ?
Finding that you are buying the last shirt in your size ?

Ok, let's just say I need something like that to happen.


  1. Buen dia Lore..que lindos accesoriosssss..son divinos

    besos !!

  2. I hope your day gets better! You look very chic, if that's any consolation. I looove the snakeskin pattern on that dress.

  3. I hope something happy jumps out at you, not literally though... that might scare you.

    I like the dress with a vest. I'm going to have to give that a try :)

  4. I hope it does. Happiness is elusive.

    Sometimes we can find it in a simple reminder that people love us. If that's the case for you... from far away... let me say... we love you!

  5. me encanta tus acesorios de TOUS! Tengo en anillo de ellos. Es que en Suecia solo hay una tienda en Estockholmo ;(


  6. I hope something wonderful happens to you very soon.
    Happy New Year Lorena,
    Jane X

  7. I hope your day gets better.

    You look pretty today!!!

    Hey at least you don't have mouse poop in your cabinets!

  8. Oh my gosh, I was just thinking, wow, she looks so gorgeous today, and was wondering what you'd done differently - then i realized you aren't obscuring your face!

    I hope you find yourself in one of those moments soon!


I am always happy to hear from you !