
Three Wise Men

In many countries today, we celebrate the day of 
the Three Wise Men or as we say in spanish
"Los Reyes Magos".

This is the day, these wise men who came from far away lands guided 
by a star reached the birth place of Jesus and presented 
him with gifts of gold, incense and myrrh. 
Vintage dress from Argentina ·  Red Lips shoes ·
I hope the 3 wise men stop by today and gift me 
with: wisdom, patience and peace of mind.


I also hope they stop by your place and leave some for you too.
We can never have too much, as we always need them.


  1. Lore...este año los reyes me olvidaran!! :(

    Feliz dia para vos!

  2. How true. Peace of mind is so elusive in modern society. Best wishes to you, too.

  3. I hope you find something on this Ephiphany! I love the pattern of the dress :)

  4. Love your dress, Lorena. I hope peace is granted to you.

  5. Sii los reyes magos!! hoy partimos la rosca de reyes y a quien le salga el monito que viene dentro el 2 de Febrero tiene que preparar tamales!

    Que bonito estampado el de tu vestido!

  6. Me encanta este vestido, el color todo!Te queda precioso!


  7. Thanks, I can always use wisdom, patience and peace of mind.

    I love those pumps, they are so pretty!

  8. those are the best gifts I could wish for, wisdom especially. :)
    your dress is beautiful.


I am always happy to hear from you !