
My Friday

Due to the self induced comma I went into last
night due to the huge amounts of food I ingested 
after the art exhibition, I could not get out of
bed this morning.
Missoni dress · Kenneth Cole reaction peep toes · Liz Claiborne bag

Needless to say I was rushing around the house
this morning and was not able to blow dry my hair
into decent shape.
So I decided on the "eco-green dry".
Meaning I took the top off the car and dried it
on my way to work.
It did not look great, but, it was dry !

 I was a little late and luckily I did not get in trouble
as, well, it's my birthday.

It would sound something like
"Happy birthday and BTW you are sooo late!"


  1. Hola Lorena,
    soy española y te visito muchos días, te escribo en español porque deduzco que lo hablas y lo entiendes. Me gusta tu página, aunque tenemos estilos diferentes a la hora de vestir, pero eso no importa.

  2. buenisimo el vestido Lore...muy colorido

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Lorena! I love this dress, and you look lovely!

    I hope you have something special planned to celebrate!

  4. Happy birthday! It's great to celebrate one's birthday in January...!!! Especially in a dress like yours!

  5. Este vestido me encanta!!! y tus joyas tmb! yo siempre uso esa técnica para secar el cabello xoxo
    que tengas un lindo fin!!!

  6. Happy happy birthday!! Hope you had a great day and made some great plans for the weekend or whenever you're going to celebrate it!

  7. Happy Birthday !!
    I Love the Missoni Dress and also I am glad that you are showing your face. You are very pretty.

  8. Lorena- I love your blog, and how you look so different every day : ) I awarded you a blogger award, if you'd be willing to accept it. I know I don't comment as much as I used to, but i've just been super busy...


  9. Oops I didn't say 'Feliz Cumpleanos'!!! Hope you had a great birthday!

  10. What a cool dress! when my hair isn't dry, it just goes up in a bun or braid.

    And happy belated birthday!

  11. Happy Birthday!

    And love love love the dress.

    I hope it was a great day.


I am always happy to hear from you !