

Are you about lists ?

I am.
 I am the one who keeps a small notebook
and a few pens in my bag in order to make the list
of things I have to do, things I have to buy,
places I have to go...

Nothing important, mostly pick up groceries, 
take the car to the shop, go to the laundry...
nothing really inspirational or personal.

So, I came across ....

A group of girls got together to answer lists.
Lists from the Listography 2011 Weekly calendar.

I had never heard of it, but  from what I read 
it's a weekly calendar to organize and reflect.
Reflect by looking inside for answers.

For example, take January's list topics:

19th - List leaders you are inspired by.
26th - List places you’d like to visit.

After reading the post I absolutely fell in love with the idea.

The idea, as Torrie mentions in her post -
is that every Wednesday,
with a given topic
you make your own personal list, 
as she says it best it's:

"A perfect way to get to know more about yourself and others, 
to ponder your past, to consider your future, to inspire and be inspired, 
and best of all- new blogger friends in the process! "

I thought it was a fun project to incorporate into my blog.
Below is "the list".

19th - List leaders you are inspired by.
26th - List places you’d like to visit.

2nd - List your favorite artists.
9th - List sports teams you’ve seen play.
16th - List your same sex crushes.
23rd - List all the presidents you can name.

2nd - List which film characters are most like your personality.
9th - List your favorite Ebay searches.
16th - List cocktails you’ve tried.
23rd - List fictional places you wish existed.
30th - List scams you’ve encountered.

6th - List where your daydreams take you for spring break.
13th - List your favorite romantic comedies.
20th - List some ideas for earth friendly living.
27th - List the qualities you look for in a friend.

4th - List your favorite tv moms.
11th - List the most memorable co-worker from your past.
18th - List your least favorite smells.
25th - List your favorite snacks.

1st - List why you love your country.
8th - List people that make you wonder “where are they now.”
15th - List your favorite tv dads.
22nd - List your summer to do’s.
29th - List your accomplishments from the past year.

6th - List your favorite foods and things to find at a BBQ.
13th - List some ideas for trimming back your budget.
20th - List some things you want for your home and kitchen.
27th - List your biggest moments in pain.

3rd - List things that freak you out.
10th - List where your perfect road trip would take you.
17th - List your best qualities in the work place.
24th - List ten people you find fascinating.
31st - List who you hung out with in elementary school and middle school.

7th - List what your dream work environment would be like.
14th - List memorable activities from your childhood.
21st - List your favorite sports figures.
28th - List your de-stress recipe.

5th - List things that scared you as a kid.
12th - List who you thought was the coolest growing up.
19th - List your favorite car models.
26th - List couples you were sad to see break up.

2nd - List your favorite horror villains.
9th - List what issues are foremost on your mind.
16th - List what you remember about your childhood home.
23rd - List what you’re thankful for.
30th - List all the teachers you can remember.

7th - List your least favorite animals.
14th - List the animals you’ve adopted.
21st - List your wish list.
28th - List how you would like to spend time when you’re a senior citizen.
So, yes I am adding these lists
to my list.

Anyone who wants to join, head over to Torrie's blog !


  1. I love it! Thanks for sharing.

  2. brilliant!

    i love lists! i make them all the time. i don't always get everything ticked off, but i sure try!

  3. Hi Lorena!!
    I am so happy to meet you, to "meet" your blog, and to have you join us for the Listography project! I look forward to getting to know you better, and to your future lists. Make sure that you link up as you write them!

    BTW, love your typography/writing style:).

  4. this is so fun!
    im a total list maker, ill definitely play along!

  5. Yep, I'm a list maker too! I already have lists of places to trave, people who inspire and such but I'll check out these new ideas-thanks :)

  6. I love this kind of lists! I like reading lists of others as much as I like making my own. I want to try I want to try :) Ok, I'll try it too. :D


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